Tuesday, June 15, 2010


My best friend is visiting from out of town and i'm so happy! I get to go back home with her and stay for a week. Definitely what i need at the moment.
We have been staying up til 5 in the morning watching movies and talking. Also some midnight runs to the grocery store for snacks.
i can go months and years without seeing her but as soon as we get together it's like no time has passed.
I had one final night with my ex. We both agreed it was the end and it was amazing. Couldn't have asked for a better last memory. We just laid in the dark and talked for an hour. It felt so natural and like we were back to truly being just friends and we were comfortable with it. I feel at peace and like i had closure. Then on the way home we stopped for ice cream. We sat outside in the warm summer night and ate it. It was perfect.
Tomorrow i have a girls day with my friends. Total girls day. Getting our nails done, going shopping, and mini golfing. I'll try to take some pictures to post here.
There's a contest to win some beautiful rings here.
Well i'm off to get some rest hopefully for tomorrow. That's doubtful though because i just made some coffee and plan to organize my computer files.

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